Friday 16 January 2015

Two weeks in...

So we are over two weeks in to 2015 and it's been a fairly quiet year so far, I've gotta say. 

Having enjoyed a Christmas of two halves - 1st half being manic and seeing family, the 2nd - very chilled - we seem to have continued into January with a very relaxed approach! 

Last weekend, after our first week back at work, Rich and I are were both pretty exhausted so we planned to do nothing all weekend. However, as Saturday was such a gorgeous (all be it, windy!) winters day we decided to go for a wander around Richmond Park. We are about 10 mins drive from Richmond Park, but I'd only been there once before so it was so lovely to spend a few hours wandering around, seeing all the deer that live there and then enjoying a hot chocolate :) 

We both enjoyed it so much that I think we may well head back there tomorrow, Rich wants to take his bike up there and I can get some fitness in and go for a very long walk. Win for us both I think! Fingers crossed it doesn't rain! 

I think weekends at home doing very little are probably my favourite weekends of all. Sometimes I get really fidgety and cannot sit still, however I do seem to have embraced the relaxed weekend vibe a lot more over the past few months... and I've got to say, it's not so bad! Especially when the weather is so rubbish, the last thing you want to do is venture out and I think spending quality time together with Rich and no pressure to go and do something or be somewhere, has really brought us even closer together.

Anyways, enough rambling from me - a short and sweet post about the joy of doing nothing! I have a feeling the next few months are going to be very hectic in the lead up to my friend's wedding. Lots to do, so maybe that's a post for another time. 

Lotsa love x

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