Thursday 8 January 2015

New year... new chapter

Happy New Year! 

2014 for me was an interesting one, and if I'm honest, probably not one my best. I know it's such a cliche but I love a new year. To me, it makes me feel inspired, energised and really positive.  

I've never really been one for making new years resolutions, and even when I do I can't say I've ever stuck to one and seen it through. 

But this year I decided to really go for it. I've made a list and written it on my phone, so I can keep going back to it and remind myself of what my goals were at the beginning of the year and keep me on track to hopefully sticking to them for once. 

With this in mind, I thought writing them on here might also be good therapy. A good way to solidify what my aims are for the coming year - and maybe help someone else that has similar goals too in the process. 

Lets start with the typical... 

Losing weight

I think it's fair to say that the majority of people start off a new year with this aim. I'm pretty sure every year I think to myself "this is the year" but it never is. 
I've always struggled with my weight and one thing I realised in 2014 is just how much this struggle is now impacting on who I am and what I do. 
My best friend is getting married in March and as a goal, I ordered a bridesmaid dress in a size smaller. By doing this I know I need to stick to my plan. I have 3 months to drop 1 dress size, and my goal for the year is to go down 2 dress sizes overall. An achievable goal I think. I've never focused too much on my actual weight - I only use it to track my progress but in terms of goals, it's not my main focus. As long as I'm feeling more confident in myself, I'll be happy. 

Keep a scrapbook 

I was inspired by the one and only Lily Pebbles with this one. Last year, I kept thinking to myself "I need to print off more photos" but I never did and much of this is because, in our flat, we simply don't have anywhere to put them. 
When I watched Lily's video about the scrapbook she made in 2014, it really made me want to do the same. I need to start documenting more of my life, helping me to appreciate all the great moments because if I'm completely honest, there are probably so many great moments from last year that I have forgotten about, and I don't want to forget about them! So thank you Lily for the inspiration! 

To learn more about Project Life - visit Becky's page here

Drink more water 

One thing about me - I hardly drink anything. I can go all day and only have one drink (in fact, I'm pretty sure that's what I've done today... oops). So my goal is to drink more water! I'm pretty good when it comes to what I drink. I don't drink fizzy drinks very often, I'm not a big tea or coffee drinker and I don't drink alcohol often either. The trouble is, I just don't drink enough full stop! 

To blog more 

Again, like the scrapbook - this is definitely one I'd like to stick to more. I want to document more of my life and I just want to appreciate more of the little moments, jot them down and have them to look back on in the years to come. 

Enjoy London

I've lived in London for nearly a year and a half and I really let the beauty and fun of this city pass me by. I don't make the most of having England's capital city on my doorstep and all the great things that there are to see, do, eat, drink... there's still so much more fun to be had, and we aren't going to live here forever so it's time to make the most of it. 

So there they are, my goals for 2015. Maybe this year I'll actually stick to them! 

Lotsa love x

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