Tuesday 19 November 2013

An introduction to me!

Why hello there!

Now the chances are that as this is only my second post, it is unlikely that anyone is even reading this. However, as a way of practicing and a little intro to me I thought it might be nice to do a 15 facts about me post!

1. I was born and grew up in Kent which I absolutely loved and always love to go back there to visit my Mum, who still lives in the house I grew up in.

2. Following my A Levels I decided to go to University in Portsmouth where I studied Sociology, as I still wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life so I figured this bought me a little more time!

3. As well as a degree in Sociology and my A Levels, I have also gained a Diploma in Childcare. After finishing university I began working in a children's nursery which I loved, and studied for my qualifications whilst I was there.

4. I have a boyfriend, his name is Rich and we have been together just shy of 4 years - although I have known him since my first year of A Levels and we actually went to University together too before we got together!

5. Since moving to London I have been job hunting and really would love to work within the media or charity. I worked at a big radio company in London for 5 months which was an amazing opportunity. I got to meet some amazing celebrities and work at some very exciting events and all in all, I miss it hugely.

6. My best friend recently got engaged (a secret I had to keep from her for 6 weeks... it nearly killed me) and she has asked me to be her Maid of Honour which is amazing :)

7. I probably talk to myself a lot more than is socially acceptable... but it just seems like a good way to organise thoughts, and hey - if it's ok to write things down then why not say them out loud!?

8. I have a list of many places that I am dying to visit and go back to - high up there would be Florida, New York and a road trip around California, as well as the Bahamas, Mykonos in Greece as I hear it is so beautiful, as well as Rome.

9. My favourite place to ever have visited has been Rome - I spent a week there in 2010 and it was one of the best trips of my life, and I cannot wait to be able to go back.

10. Up until the age of around 15 I used to go horse riding. I became horse-obsessed and spent my entire weekends helping out at my riding stables. I even had my own pony, however she had to be put down and after that it just never quite felt the same again and I stopped. I do really miss it though and it is a goal of mine to begin horse riding again as I feel it is the only thing I have ever been really good at.

11. I used to be a complete bah-humbug about Christmas and never got excited about it as our christmas's were not always full of the best memories. However, as I am getting older I seem to be discovering my festive spirit and this year especially I simply cannot wait!

12. I have no Aunties or Uncles or Cousins, as both my parents are only children.

13. I have 1 brother and he is nearly 4 years older than me. We never used to be very close growing up (I think I was always his annoying little sister) however now that I am older we are getting closer which makes me happy.

14. As I get older I seem to developing more fears. I have always been terrified of spiders and this is only getting worse as I get older. However I have also developed a fear of the sea over the past 8 years or so and will only go in the sea if it is clear, nowhere dangerous and I can stand up. And even then, I still get nervous. I always think that there will be a shark or a jellyfish nearby!

15. I am a lover of the telly and a HUGE Friends fan. I have fond memories of watching it growing up with my brother and being devestated when they ended it. I honestly think that if I ever went on Mastermind, Friends would be my specialist subject. Is that sad?!

Anyhoo - thank you for reading! I promise the next post will not be so self-involved. I just thought it might be a nice little introduction to me :)

Lotsa love

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